“Distractions” Exhibit at Art 3 Gallery

From October 31st to January 31st, my black, white, and navy metalscapes will be on display at Art 3 Gallery in Manchester, NH. The exhibit, titled “Distractions,” will display the work of over 75 local artists. The event is meant to showcase the idea that amid the masses of information and diversions thrown at us every day, art offers a reprieve. Similar to the inspiration behind my metalscapes, many art pieces allow viewers to “escape” and enter a calm, meditative state. For me, both the creation and contemplation of art is incredibly relaxing. I hope to bring this same tranquility to observers of my art.


Pay a visit to the gallery to see some amazing works of art!

Black, gray, and navy metalscape which will be on display at the Art 3 gallery.
5″ x 5″, Metalscape 17, gray, white, navy